New Here

We know visiting a new church can be a little overwhelming! Here's what you can expect on a typical Sunday morning. 

Our Sunday school starts at 9:00am.

Our class meets in our fellowship hall and always includes a Bible based study.

Worship service begins at 10:00am.

Our typical worship service includes announcements and a welcome from our pastor, prayer, congregational singing, tithes/offerings (guests are not expected to give!), and a biblical sermon. We are committed to singing songs that are doctrinally sound. Our pastor is committed to expository preaching (Teaching through the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, verse by verse), which simply means that all of our sermons come directly from a specific text of Scripture and seek to explain that Scripture and apply it to the lives of the congregation. 

Nursery is provided throughout  Morning Worship in the children ministry areas, children ages birth-6. However, your children, whatever their age, are welcome in our Worship service! 

Whether you’re just beginning to ask questions about God or a deeply committed Christian who is looking for a Church home, we invite you to come and join us.

If you have any questions please fill out our visitor form.


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